Looking for Greta

The Series «Looking for Greta» was taken on 17 January 2020 in Lausanne, Switzerland. The day before, I had read on Greta Thunberg’s instagram that she would join the Climate Strike in Lausanne the next day, for a #fridaysforfuture march. As I live in Bern, which is only a one hour train ride away, I knew that I had to be there, with Greta being one of the most important voices not only of today’s youth but of our time. What struck me most  was the collective sense of hope put in this tiny person, a 16-year-old girl. I don’t know if the authorities hadn’t been prepared well enough, but the run for Greta of fans, followers and journalists was quite scary and something I hadn’t seen before. There was beauty in it, but also fanatism. That’s why I decided not to focus on Greta alone, but on what was happening around her.

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